Content Archives

Customize your layout and design how content displays on your blog (post), category, and other archives. After enabling Content Archives that need customizing, you may now go into each individual archives panel.

These panels are available in Customizer > Theme Settings > Content Archives.

How To Use

  1. View Customizer > Theme Settings > Content Archives.
  2. Make sure any content types you want to customize are enabled.
  3. Open the panel for the content type you want to customize.
  4. Adjust the settings however you'd like.
  5. Publish/save and view your site.



Show/hide and re-order entry elements. Click “Toggle Hooks” to show Genesis hooks. Re-ordering Genesis hooks may come in handy if a 3rd-party plugins is using Genesis hooks and the content is not displaying where you’d like them.


Customize how you’d like images to show on the singular archive page.

Image Orientation

Mai Theme takes the guesswork out of which image size to use. Instead, we you can focus on what really matters, the image orientation (aspect ratio). Depending on the active theme, you can choose from Landscape, Portrait, Square, or Custom. Custom let’s you explicitly declare the registered image size to display.

Image Position

Choose from one of our 9 different image positions:

  • Full – Fills the full container of the entry.
  • Center – Centers inside the entry.
  • Left Top – Aligns to the top of the left side of the entry. See Image Width setting below.
  • Left Middle – Aligns to the middle of the left side of the entry. See Image Width setting below.
  • Left Full – Fills the entire left side of the entry. See Image Width setting below.
  • Right Top – Aligns to the top of the right side of the entry. See Image Width setting below.
  • Right Middle – Aligns to the middle of the right side of the entry. See Image Width setting below.
  • Right Full – Fills the entire right side of the entry. See Image Width setting below.
  • Background – Covers the entire entry. As long as there isn’t too much content inside, the entry will try to maintain the image aspect ratio.

Image Width

When the image position is one of the available Left or Right options, this setting allows you to set the amount of the entry that the image should use (one half, one third, or one-fourth).

Content Limit

Limit the number of characters shown for the content or excerpt. Use 0 for no limit.

Custom Content

Add custom content anywhere in your entry. Works with shortcodes like [mai_rating], [mai_price], [mai_content], and anything else. You can also use 3rd-party shortcodes to show custom content, like ACF custom field data.

Header & Footer Meta

Display entry meta, typically used with the various shortcodes available in Mai Theme, or shortcodes available in Genesis. The most popular are [mai_date] and [mai_avatar] from Mai Theme, and [post_author] , [post_author_link] , [post_terms] , [post_categories] , and [post_tags] from Genesis.

More Link Text

Customize the Read More link/button text.


Display a boxed styling around your entries.

Align Text

Aligns entry text.


Choose the number of columns you want to display. Optionally align your columns vertically and horizontally. Use CLEAR to revert back to the default.

Custom Responsive Columns

By default, Mai Theme will automatically scale down the amount of columns on tablets and mobile based on the main Columns (desktop) setting. Using the custom responsive columns setting gives you full control over how many columns display at different “breakpoints” or screen sizes.

Align Columns

Align the column containers themselves. This does not affect the content inside each column. This is only relevant when you don’t have enough entries to fill up the last row. If you have 3 columns, but only 8 entries, the last 2 will align left, center, or right, depending on this setting.

Align Columns (vertical)

Vertical alignment for the entries. This is most noticeable when displaying entries with a different amount of content in them. Most of the time, this setting won’t be needed.

Column & Row Gap

The amount of space you want between your columns and rows.

Entry Pagination Type

Set the archive pagination type to numeric or previous/next pagination.

Posts Per Page

Set the number of posts per page to display. By default, WordPress is set to show ten posts per page. To change that amount, write the number of posts you’d like to display on each paginated page.

The number of posts per page should be divisible by the number of columns. For example: 12 posts per page could use 3 columns, equaling 4 even rows of 3 entries.

Page Header

Choose a specific background and text color for your archive page headers.

Page Header must be enabled on this archive content type via Customizer > Theme Settings > Page Header in order for the page header settings to be available.


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