Installing & Activating Plugins

All of our plugins can be installed, activated, and deactivated via our Mai Theme Pro plugin, or manually installed individually like a standard plugin in WordPress.

Please have the following ready or already installed.

  • Latest version of WordPress installed on your hosting
  • Latest version of the Genesis Framework (included with Mai Theme via BizBudding).
  • Mai Theme
  • Mai Engine

Installing via Mai Theme Pro plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress website.
  2. Install Mai Theme Pro plugin manually via the steps below.
  3. Visit Dashboard > Mai Theme > Plugins.
  4. Find the plugin you'd like to install and click the button.

Installing Manually

Follow these steps to install and activate a plugin manually.

  1. Login to your WordPress website.
  2. In the WordPress menu, click on Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Click the Choose File button and find the plugin zip file on your computer; it will have an ending of “.zip”.
  4. Click the Install Now button.
  5. Finally, click the text link Activate.
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